What Makes a Great Tenant? | Tips and Tricks for Memphis Tenants

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Most Memphis property managers will tell you that renting to great tenants is a mutually rewarding experience. As your management company, we’ll make sure you have everything you need for a fantastic rental experience. As our tenants, we’ll need you to meet our expectations and understand your responsibilities. 

Establishing yourself as a reliable, responsible tenant will help you have a better experience with us. It will also work to your benefit for the future, when we’re able to provide an outstanding reference to the landlords and management companies that may come after us. 

Here are some tips on how to be the type of tenant all landlords feel grateful to have. 

1. Always Ask Questions, Especially When Signing the Lease

Most questions can be answered in your lease agreement. It may seem like a tedious document to read, but it’s important that you familiarize yourself with how your relationship will work with your landlord or property manager. It’s long and detailed for your protection as well as ours. 

Highlight the especially important sections, such as rent collection policies and the process for requesting maintenance. If you’re moving in with pets, make sure you understand the requirements for your furry family members. 

Never be afraid to ask questions before you sign the lease. This is a legally binding contract, and you have the right to understand it completely. 

2. Keep the Lines of Communication Open – Even When Frustrated

Great tenants are willing to communicate and understand that communication works both ways. We want to hear from you, especially if something is wrong. We also want you to be available to us when we need to get in touch with you. 

It’s easy to shut down when things aren’t going exactly according to plan. But if you keep in touch and work with us on making things right, everyone will end up happier. Great communication leads to great rental experiences. 

3. Great Tenants Pay Rent on Time 

Your first responsibility is to pay rent on time every month. 

You don’t want to field phone calls from your landlord asking when it will be paid. Make sure your payment will clear on the date that it’s due. Check your lease for any late fees or grace periods. If you’re going to be a day or two late or you had a financial emergency and you need a little more time – reach out to your landlord immediately. Don’t avoid their calls and questions. 

Make your rental payments online if that’s offered. This is a simple and secure way to conveniently pay rent, set reminders for yourself, and even schedule future or recurring payments. It takes a lot of stress out of the rental payment process for you and your landlord.

4. Report Maintenance Needs Right Away

While you may think your landlord or property manager doesn’t want to be bothered with maintenance requests, it’s actually much better for us and for you when you report maintenance issues as soon as they occur. Don’t put this off. Deferred maintenance is only more expensive, and we don’t want you living in unsafe conditions. Even if it’s minor and something we won’t get to for a few days – let us know when something’s wrong. 

Make sure you know how to reach your landlord or property manager if there’s an emergency, and be flexible about repair people coming to take care of the issue. 

5. Keep High Standards for Cleanliness in your Memphis Rental Home

Clean HouseEveryone has different standards of cleanliness, but you shouldn’t allow trash to pile up in your home or deterioration to set in. Make sure you’re taking good care of the property. Good tenants will respect their home and take pride in how it looks. 

These are just some of the ways you can be a good tenant. When you’re looking for a new rental home, please consider working with us. We’d be happy to help you find a great place to rent in Memphis. Contact our team at RiverTown Realty.